Chile and Latin American affairs

Editorial 2024

The war in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza have put pressure on Latam leaders to take sides.  Risks additionally relate to China’s potential resolve to regain its glorious past and retake Taiwan in a military operation affecting global stability. These geopolitical conflicts exacerbate leaders in Latam to take ideological sides, blurring their need to remain neutral at a time of erosion of International Law at a multilateral level.

EDITORIAL 2017-2018

The geopolitics of the north, with the Brexit referendum and "America First" precepts under Trump’s presidency, provide Latin America and Chile with opportunities to foster greater integration in the region and strive to hit the Asia-Pacific commercial area.

However,  the advancement of China in the region and the crisis in Venezuela should be closely analyzed in terms of the risks and opportunities they pose with efforts made by regional states for greater regional convergence.

Country Risk Chile has been closely examining the opportunities for greater convergence, inclusive growth, and open regionalism in Latin America. Internal political factors are also discussed in a pragmatic arrangement that might derive into a political and economic alliance between MERCOSUR and the Pacific Alliance to increase their bargaining power in deals with China, India, and other prominent international commercial players interested in the region. 

December 2017